Groupes de discussion et Playtesting | Huwiz

Focus groups
and Playtesting

Get feedback and recommendations from your target audience that will guide your investment decisions.

HUWIZ sets up and holds playtests that allow you to access different user issues, helping you make informed decisions about the direction of your development. Through focus groups, get quantitative and qualitative data that will allow you to tailor your product to the target market.

Collection of qualitative and quantitative data to guide product development.

Precise targeting of your audience

Before launching a new product, it is wise to know the expectations and needs of its intended market segment in order to make your mark the first time.

With HUWIZ’s focus group sessions, you’ll get data that will allow you to precisely target your audience’s requirements. Product testing will guide your decisions on subsequent stages of development and guide your investment choices.

Groupes de discussion | Huwiz

Accurate information about your audience

Focus groups bring out a lot of valuable information that allows you to validate certain hypotheses and direct your resources to address the issues that matter most to your player base.

We take care of the planning, recruitment, organization and direction of focus groups.

At the end of these tests, we analyze the results collected and make recommendations based on the data collected and the objectives you are aiming for.

Contact us
Icône | Groupe de discussion | Huwiz
Icône flèches | Huwiz

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The HUWIZ Difference

A privileged view on what your users really want.